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pauline oliveros
::from Deep Listening™ Bridge To Collaboration
In 1970 I began a body of work called Sonic Meditation. Sonic Meditations are recipes for ways of listening and sounding and are scores transmitted orally without conventional musical notation. I found that I could involve all kinds of people in Sonic Meditations whether or not they had any musical training. What mattered was an interest in participation, the cultivation of listening strategies and willingness to explore sound. At the time I was teaching composition and experimental studies in the music department at the University of California at San Diego. My Sonic Meditations flew in the face of traditional harmony and counterpoint and also of the complex written scores of contemporary music.

::a Sonic Meditation:
Sounds From Childhood
Can you imagine a time in your child hood when you loved to make mouth noises?
Can you imagine freely making those sounds now?

In the next five or more minutes make as many of those sounds as you want
in spaces you hear and claim as your own.

::3 downloadable scores

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