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graphic scores
text-instruction score (with audio sample) for turntable from architect/musician janek schaefer
graphic score from some 2nd graders in england:
graphic scores in tribute to cage:

more kids' work: "journey around a supermarket", with audio
"Composed by Joanne Cannon, software by Stuart Favilla, this work for improviser/s and interactive computer algorithms takes a performer/s and the audience through a 17 year history of Joanne's leukemia. Players navigate a complex map of musical events which document personal experiences of the disease, desperate contingencies, treatment, and long lasting effects....
A performance of 'Speak' is constructed from three structural components. These include the graphic score, the sound experiences and the computer algorithms."

stockhausen's "kontakte":

potential graphic score, increasing the aleatory:

(Average literacy score of population aged 17 to 25 relative to the cross-section mean)
and how about this one, also from google image search for graphic score:

(An analysis of gaming consoles, old and new.)