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google: "text score" music
algorithmic.net "provides a comprehensive resource in systems for algorithmic music composition, including links to research, software downloads, documentation, and audio (sound-file) examples. Systems that function as compositional aides and utility tools for composers are also included." (site of composer/sound designer Christopher Ariza)
text scores from composer gavin bryars
american gamelan institute: includes a streamable GONGCAST, plus some other recordings
"frog peak music (a composers' collective) is an artist-run organization devoted to publishing and producing experimental and unusual works, distributing artist-produced materials, and in general providing a home for its artists."
j. simon van der walt::Ritual Preparation of the Performance Space text score
the keyboard of eternal change (1951 - 1957)
"Earlier, having experienced audiences who laughed during his pieces which he thought to be sad, Cage came to distrust the idea that music was all about communication, and was distressed that he could not discover a clear reason to compose music; he even considered giving up. Then Gira Sarabhai, an Indian singer and tabla player, told him 'The purpose of music is to sober and quiet the mind, thus making it susceptible to divine influences.'"
graphic scores (sort of small images) from earl brown (p.36), morton feldman (p.43), anestis logothetis (p.44); and a text score from christian wolff (p.45):
"Most commonly, text scores have been used to 'give a more or less clearly stated basis for ensemble improvisations.' . . . In cases where the notation, or a lack thereof, makes the music still more indeterminate,
the performer’s responsibilities increase exponentially."
stockhausen text score ("RIGHT DURATIONS") at this page about Thermoscore: A New-type Musical Score with Temperature Sensation, wow
Some composers associated with pieces which utilize performer indeterminacy are: Stockhausen, Morton Feldman, Lukas Foss, Cornelius Cardew, Witold Lutoslawski. Some composers associated with graphic scoring are: Feldman, Martin Bartlett, Robin Mortimore. Some composers associated with text scores are: Stockhausen, Christian Wolff, Dick Higgins.